09 March 2009

Hutan Rakyat Sengon: Small-Scale Tree Farming in Central Java Indonesia

Hutan rakyat or people’s forest are forests managed by the owner, other person, or corporation. Ministry of Forestry considers areas as hutan rakyat if farm size is at least 0.25 hectares and crown density is more than 50%, or the tree density of the first year is more than 500 trees. Tree species grown are sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), mahogany (Sweitenia spp), sungkai (Peronema canescens), lamtoro gung (Leucaena glauca), akasia (Acacia auricoliformis), Sonokeling (Dalbergia latifolia), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) and teak (Tectona grandis). In Central Java Province, hutan rakyat areas are mainly planted with sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) and mahogany (Swietenia spp).
According to The Forestry Office of Central Java Government, there are 3 (three) models Hutan Rakyat that develop based on the financing:
Hutan Rakyat Subsidy model
Hutan Rakyat that built on ownership land with a portion of cost or entirely from Government, generally developed at upper course of a river system zone (forest and land rehabilitation , reforestation presidential instruction, and forest and land rehabilitation national movement);
Hutan Rakyat Self Help model
Hutan Rakyat that built by people from planning, operating and financing by themselves. Generally Hutan Rakyat built by farmers that whose sufficient land, and the species that endeavored having an orientation to the market.
Hutan Rakyat Partnership model
Hutan Rakyat that built by farmer or farmers group that work together with forestry industries which facilitated by Province Government or District Government. The government give loans in roll over aid Hutan Rakyat Partnership model business enterprise on wood industries and farmers to build hutan rakyat which the result distributed suitable the agreement of both side.
With partnership model, the benefits that gained are:
a. The Farmers:
- The increase of income and welfare
- Get monetary capital aid trough a loan from the government
- Get technology guidance from business enterprise partner and government
b. The Business Enterprise Partner:
- Have wood raw materials stock
- Get monetary capital aid trough a loan from the government
c. The Government
The Government program to build suistanable forest plantations can realized.

Still according to The Forestry Office of Central Java Government, there are 3 (three) patterns Hutan Rakyat that develop based on the species:
The pattern of Hutan Rakyat dominated by one species ( Tectona grandis, Paraserianthes falcataria, Sweitenia spp);
The mixture pattern of Hutan Rakyat dominated by two species or more ( Tectona grandis and Sweitenia spp or Tectona grandis, Paraserianthes falcataria and Sweitenia spp);
The pattern of Hutan Rakyat in agroforestry system that Javanese farmers intercrop these trees with annuals and perennials for daily culinary use or for selling. Farmers who have introduced sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) as a fast-growing timber/pulp species by mixed-planting with their agricultural crops. Javanese farmers most interested in agroforestry system because it can produce daily, weekly, monthly, and anually crops.
The cutting pressure on natural forests in Indonesia must now be reduced, it is vital that the forest industries adjust accordingly and shift their resource base from natural forests to plantations. Wood products from hutan rakyat areas supply primary forestry industries such as sawmills, plywood, blockboard, chopsticks, matches, chipmills, and pencil slats.
Now Hutan Rakyat in Indonesia able to produce on average 6 milions meter cubic per year. The price of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) wood in Central Java now being approximate Rp 800.000-Rp 900.000 per meter cubic and liable to resist because the demand from forest industries still stable. The Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria)-based industries possess a suite of promising characteristics in the context of current trends in the world wood trade on the grounds that they support a high value-added market for environmentally friendly products. The use of forest certification in marketing more important now. Hutan Rakyat advisable to be audited by independent organizations to obtain environmental friendly certification. And there is a need for local markets in Indonesia to be nurtured in order that Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) products can be successfully advanced onto the international market.

Forest City Versus Global Warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans. Increasing global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, likely including an expanse of the subtropical desert regions. Other likely effects include Arctic shrinkage and resulting Arctic methane release, shrinkage of the Amazon rainforest, increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, changes in agricultural yields, modifications of trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and changes in the ranges of disease vectors.
Political and public debate continues regarding the appropriate response to global warming. The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Human activity in the big city since the industrial revolution has increased the atmospheric concentration of various greenhouse gases, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide.
The atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the mid-1700s. These levels are considerably higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores. Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen approximately 20 million years ago. Fossil fuel burning has produced approximately three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, in particular deforestation.
Forest City give benefits for conservation of city environment. Forest City very needed for all of city residents. Humans in their habitat at the city sure will find benefits if their city have forest city. The benefits that can be perceived by the humans from the development of forest city are:
Aesthetic benefits:
Green color and varied shape of leaves including composition crown shape joined together become to a certain beautiful panorama and refresh.
Hydrologic benefits:
The structure of plants root capable to absorp water surplus if rainfall so that is not flow wasted but able to absorbed by the soil.
Climate benefits:
Healthy and normal climate is important for humans living harmony. Greenhouse effect will be reduced with lot of plants in some districts. Moreover, the fact is that plant will add the environment coolness and pleasantness.
Ecological benefits:
The environment harmony not just good for animals, plants, or humans. The existence creature in this nature having reliance each other. When one of them extinct so another creture”s life will disturbed.
Protective benefits:
Trees able to become protector from very hot sun light, a surprise attack strong wind, and noise reduction agent from loud noise.
Hygienic benefits:
With the existance of trees, pollution danger able to decreased because the leaves from trees able to filter dust and to sip dust in atmosphere. Even plants able to produce oxygen that very needed for humans.

08 March 2009


Pekarangan is a piece of land of open space area, which is located surrounding house building. Pekarangan is an optimal and sustainable land use as a type of agroforestry system in the tropical region of Indonesia including in Central Java. Pekarangan shows traditional agroforestry system practice.
Most people in the villages of Central Java practiced traditional agroforestry system in the form of pekarangan. Many agroforestry experts mentioned that pekarangan provide food, medicinal plants, firewood and wood for construction. Other functions of pekarangan are creating a microclimate and as windshield for houses.
Indigenous agroforestry in Central Java often imitate the floristic diversity of natural forest ecosystems, though the actual species composition may be different. Javanese farmers have developed highly complex pekarangan, with hundreds of productive plant species found in a single village. Pekarangan in the villages of Central Java consist of fruit trees such as Durian (Durio zibethinus), Duku (Lansium domesticum ), Mangostine (Garcinia mangostana), Petai (Parkia speciosa), Jengkol (Pithecellobium jiringa) ; Palm trees such as Coconut (Cocos nucifera ) and combined with agriculture crops such as banana, cassava, corn (local variety) and chili. In some regions in Central Java pekarangan was dominated by woody trees such as Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria), Bambu (Gigantochloa apus ); fruit trees such as rambutan ( Nephelium lapaceum), Kedondong ( Sapondias dulcis ), Nangka ( Artocarpus heterophylus ), Jengkol (Ptecelobium lobatum) and other plants for daily culinary use or for selling.
Activities to manage the traditional agroforestry was only part of farming activities. Management of pekarangan with apropriate silvicultural techniques has not been conducted by small farmers (peasants). There was no attemp to develop pekarangan into more profitable farms. According to the farmers, their reasons to practice a traditional agroforestry were because it has low management risk and high social benefit. The dominant plant species in the pekarangan were fruit trees, because they were fast growing, easy to maintain, resistant to pest and disease, suitable for their soil type, good price and easy to market.
When a price of one product drops, they still have other products to sell. It provides them with subsistence products that can be harvested more immediately to meet daily needs. Chili could be harvested every 15 days, while grass, legumes and corn tops sustain cattle and goats. The Pekarangan land have high potential to improve the life welfare of the poor landless and marginal farmers, primarily when that pekarangan was maintaining by agroforestry system.
The women in farmers family have roles to provide their family daily needs by maintaining their pekarangan because they were mostly involved in all activities in the pekarangan. So improve their knowledge, skill and attitude to raise their pekarangan products is very important.